You Yangs / Wurdi Youang

Climbing and bouldering on granite boulders spread across many locations.

Crag Steward : Dick Lodge

Management: You Yangs Regional Park is managed by Parks Victoria ( via a You Yangs Precinct Master Plan

Cultural and Environmental Values : Wurdi Youang is a significant cultural landscape for the Wadawurrung people, being a place of social, cultural and natural significance.

The vegetation within the reserve provides significant value to the broader area, by conserving a critically endangered vegetation community, three EVCs and a range of flora. Boneseed, a classified noxious weed from South Africa, has invaded large areas and is now the focus of a weed control program.

Protection: There are currently no specific protection areas identified although Big Rock is identified in the Plan as special place of cultural significance. Climbers should demonstrate care and respect in any area they visit.

Some areas are prohibited to climbing seasonally to protect nesting birds. Climbers should check the PV website prior to visiting the area.

Climbing Impact Assessments: You Yangs has many climbing locations spread throughout the park, including many boulders. Climbing impacts are largely limited to erosion of paths and staging areas.

Projects/Events : None identified